الأحد، 15 سبتمبر 2013

Samsung unveils" her watch smart "Galaxy Gear 2014

Samsung unveils her watch smart Galaxy Gear 2015 >Samsung unveils her watch smart Galaxy Gear 2016

Samsung has officially unveiled today within the IFA 2013, exhibition ,on her watch first smart Samsung Galaxy, Gear, operating system, Android.

The time is composed of a 1.63-inch ,screen Super ,AMOLED, kind, of resolution, 320 x 320 pixels, giving, the ,screen a, density of ,about 277 pixels per inch. The time contain 2 megapixel camera integrated into the, frame can take ,pictures, and, video clips ,accurately 720p.

Operate at a frequency of 800 MHz processor, and has 4 GB, of internal storage space and 512 MB of RAM and a battery with a, capacity of 314 mA is enough to provide energy for a period of 25 consecutive hours before having, to be recharged again. Time supports Bluetooth 4.0 through which you can connect ,to smart phones. And contain at well as, Micrawfonin ,and ,amplifier ,and a measure ,of the acceleration and ,direction.

Of the code, provide, time a group ,of their own applications, ac,cording ,to Samsung will be available for hours Applications, of about 70 companies , cooperated with Samsung to equip their own applications when launched, and range of these applications, between applications record notes and share photos and, mathematical, applications and so on. ,Including applications such as Evernote, Path and Runkeeper, MyFitnessPal and ,TripIt, Line, eBay and others.

Samsung said that the time will be compatible ,with the launch ,with two Galaxy Note 3 and Galaxy Note 10.1 2014, while you'll get, devices Galaxy S4 and S3 and, Note II to support the time to update hardware to version ,Android 4.3, did not explain the S,amsung if ,time will support later devices, Other, Android.

Samsung did not talk about the price, of time I have put ,forward, but some r,eports said that the clock will be, sold for $ 299.

There is still a lot of details ,that we want to ,know about the time, but we are present ,at the IFA 2013 and we will, provide more details, and images, and reviews of the hour and the othe,r products in the, coming days.

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