الأربعاء، 18 سبتمبر 2013

Nokia asks us to "take" a Break&quot" from Samsung and Android 2013

Nokia asks us to ""take a Break" from Samsung "and Android 2013
Nokia asks us to "take a "Break" from Samsung 'and Android 2014
Raised Google;s ,announcement about the, launch of the name "Kit Kat&quot,; on the Android version 4.4 coming a lot of puzzlement ,and ridicule and sometimes admiration. It seems that the comments about this controversial selection will, continue. Of course,, Google comp,etitors will find a good, opportunity to, ridicule.
Nokia today posted a picture on Twitter ,a mockery ,of the Samsung and Android, used the famous phrase in the Declaration of Chocolate, "Kit Kat", where it says, the picture: "BRIC Khaddlk ...", with a picture, of a broken ,phone from Samsung.,
Nokia, which acquired Microsoft ,for the bulk, of them recently, trying to convince users of Android and Samsung specifically ,to take a break and e,xperience of its phones,, since the launch of its phones from the series ,"for &,quot; which launches, advertising campaigns ,under the slogan "rather than to " Switch ,to Lumia, which filled with ads and, networks social, but it is still apparently successful in terms of what, still share their phones operating system Windows Phone 8 small, compared to ,competitors.
For its part, did not, miss HTC opportunity, to respond ,to this ad, according to what was published a manager in the ,company on Twitter, where he joked that he agrees Nokia in this, but he intended to take users the convenience, of Samsung;s ,move to, HTC, not Nokia, of course.
But away from cynicism, do you think it is incumbent on the user from time to time to "take a Break" and experimenting, phones from ,other companies? Let us know, what you think in the comments.

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