الاثنين، 16 سبتمبر 2013

Qualcomm unveils her watch smart Toq Mirasol screen 2014

Qualcomm unveils her watch smart Toq Mirasol screen 2015
 Qualcomm today unveiled new smart, for her watch Toq smartwatch, ,during the IFA 2013 exhibition currently being held in the German ,capital Berlin. Like any other smart ,clock, the Toq smartwatch is a device Negotiable wear ,is linked with the ,smartphone.
The new Qualcomm clock is characterized by, providing display technology, Mirasol, which allow time to run all the time, being able to provide ,energy to a large degree. The, time also includes some other features like Stereo, Bluetooth wireless, and the possibility of shipping, and help to keep the battery time work in ,progress for days ,without having to be, shipped.
Qualcomm noted that her watch ,you do not need a special button turn the screen on and off, they have the technology Mirasol ,screen and powerful ,battery. This will be shipped ,time wirelessly via of WiPower LE technology, company Qualcomm, which is the first time ,smart that benefit from this technique.
Introducing_the_Qualcomm ® _Toq ™ _Smartwatch_-_YouTube-650x356
This time the user is able to provide alerts, for text messages, and alarm messages, calendar, and a lot of other things. The user will be able to, accept or reject calls by time, and this time as a second screen for user;s ,smartphone.
It is expected to be available Toq smartwatch in October / ,October for about $ 300, which could reach two models, the first Normal ,time includes wireless charger, ,and the second distinct version called Premium ,Audio Edition, which ,comes with a set of wireless ,headphones.

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